Monday, September 12, 2011

Dilbert on Intranets

I came across this cartoon while waiting for an early morning flight to Melbourne and embarrassed myself by laughing rather loudly in the flight lounge.

When I went to the wonderful Scott Adams Dilbert site I was delighted to find many strips on the subject of Intranets. I am not sure how Adams is able to pinpoint the many issues we as Intranet Managers face with next generation Intranets and the emerging social and collaborative aspects they are introducing but he definitely seems to have his finger well and truly on the pulse.

Check out lots of Dilbert's Intranet related strips here.

All credit to Scott Adams - Dilbert


James Dellow said...

Scary isn't it. He covers a lot of information management topics, including intranets, very well!

Peter Richards said...

Very scary. I really love the one about including enough information to make it difficult to maintain but not enough to make it useful. How many of those have you seen over the years :)